To See Austria.. | Teen Ink

To See Austria..

September 25, 2010
By Noel-Natale SILVER, Rison, Arkansas
Noel-Natale SILVER, Rison, Arkansas
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why should the sky be my limit when I know there's footprints on the moon?

When I see him, I think of Austria.
I can see the mountains.
The sun sharing dawn's first light over the Alpine Mountains.
Its light shimmering on the waters of the Danube River.
I see seven children, a man and a woman singing Edelweiss in their Salzburg villa.

When I hear his voice..
I hear beauty more wonderful than any voice given to any man, woman or child.
I hear the calm, laid-back streets of Vienna,
I hear the screech of the brakes of the world-famous trains,
Always rolling into the station at exactly when they promise to be there.

When I am near him..
What I once saw in America is forgotten.
I now scent fresh bread and cakes being prepared in thirteen different bakeries on the Backenstraße
I smell the gentleness of Viennese coffees and teas wafting from various cafes and bookshops.

When I think of him..
I feel as if I'm home in a place I've never been.
I feel as if no one can do me harm.
I feel safe, loved, and protected.
As I never have in this worn-out country we call the Glorious America.

America's wonders are dull in my sight.
I want to see the Alps,
Hear a sermon in St. Stephen's Cathedral,
See the birthplaces of the most skilled composers of all time:
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Strauss II, Ludwig von Beethoveen
Hear a couple performances at the Saltzburg Festival,
Hear the musical talents of Austria3,
Taste the famous cakes of Austria,
See the rushing, crystal clear waters of the Danube,
Hear the unique, soft beautiful accent known as Weindeutsch

To see Austria..
To see the country with him by my side..
I may never wish to return to America.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 7 2010 at 5:43 pm
Noel-Natale SILVER, Rison, Arkansas
9 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why should the sky be my limit when I know there's footprints on the moon?

I read this poem out loud to my english class the other day (yes--I am the author) and they loved it! I got bonus points from the teacher for it, too! ;D