How....? | Teen Ink


August 31, 2010
By Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.&quot;<br /> -Ingrid Bergman

How do you do it?

Everytime I talk to you I frezze.

Everytime You smile I get butterflies.

When we kiss the whole world stops and all I can see is you.

Everytime you look in my eyes I feel traped in your gaze.

When you wrap your arms around my waist and shove your hands in my pockets, I get excited.

Anytime you hold my hand I feel like I can fly

When you hold me I feel complete.

So how did you do it, Make me fall inlove with you?

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