Devangel | Teen Ink


August 12, 2010
By Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.&quot;<br /> -Ingrid Bergman

I have two different sides to my personality. I have my “Angel” side. And I have my “Devil” side. My “Devil” side is more of my sexual, wild, outgoing side. And of course my “Angel” side is my innocent, sweet, can do no wrong side. I show both side sometimes at the same time and separate at other times. I normally only show my devil side if I’m alone with “my someone special.” And show my “Angel” side most of the time. Some people just think I’m innocent. Others know the other side of me. I want to show one specific person that side of me… if he doesn’t already know. I still want to show him. He’s only ever seen my “Angel” side. Now I need to show him my other side. I feel like I’m lying when I don’t tell him and I promised I would never do that. So I’ll tell him and if he likes it good, if not then I’m sorry.
He told me he loves me so if he does he won’t me. I love him, I wouldn’t judge him. Especially if he told me something like that. Everyone has that side some just choose not to show it…

This is me and what I am dealing with. But, I’m happy :)

The author's comments:
This is part of who I am.

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