looking back | Teen Ink

looking back

June 15, 2010
By ashley.apathetic SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
ashley.apathetic SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I look back at us.
I look at what used to be.
So wonderful, But yet so painful.

The thought of you was relaxing;

Your single touch was like a soothing sensation; It ran through my body.

Your hugs; They were like telling me I love you but without the words.

Your kiss; Was my first. Something I can't forget.

You were what I longed for. Something that got me through each and every night.

But in the end when it all seemed perfect ; you let go.
Not a day goes by when I used to think why you did what you did.

So, as I say good bye. Just remember what you lost. And how much you will regret it..

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