You Helped me Grow | Teen Ink

You Helped me Grow

June 6, 2010
By ptownn914 BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
ptownn914 BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard."

-Michael Jordan

You Helped Me Grow
Childish thoughts roamed freely in

my mind, feeling that they would stay


The ways of an infant dominated the present

lifestyle I was living.

My brain would gladly speak a lie. Demanding

actions and speech from a child.

My heart would later regret my savagery and accept its defeat.

The existence of the quarrel between my heart and brain is now

You, helping me overcome this shameful characteristic, was the
bravest action I have ever seen.

You helped a shy immature boy, turn into the man

that you are in love with today.

You made me into the person I thought only came to

life in dreams. You have opened so many locked doors

that I had feared to attempt to open.

People grow in personality, humor, confidence and

style. But baby, you have made me grow in life. And I

cannot thank you enough for what you have done.

The recognition of my new self has still failed to settle in my mind,
but I know that I am a changed man and my brain and heart don’t
find themselves in pointless altercations because all they know is that I
love you.

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