The Summer Freeze | Teen Ink

The Summer Freeze

May 11, 2010
By Lindsey_O GOLD, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Lindsey_O GOLD, Marshfield, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 180 comments

Favorite Quote:
Words slide off the lead,
creating permanent marks;
writer's secret code.
~Lindsey O'Connell

In the midst of gentle breezes
and mild, golden sunlight
my heart is freezing.
The cold breath of lonliness and solitude
chilling my very soul.

So I sit, and wait
for Autumn to thaw me,
and Winter to warm me,
before Spring and Summer subdue me once more.

The author's comments:
Is it just me, or does it seem like you dont see your friends as often in the Summer as you do during the school year? Well, that's just what this poem's about--not being able to see your friends as much, and how hard and lonely Summer sometimes feels. Enjoy!

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This article has 2 comments.

. said...
on Jun. 1 2010 at 7:45 pm
*sings* Thank ya very much, thank ya very much, that's the nicest thing that anyone's ever said to meeee! thank you very very veryyyy muuuuuuccchhhhh! *bows* Thank you! Thank you, very much! I shall be here till... a very long time from now!

on Jun. 1 2010 at 5:45 pm
Sketched97 PLATINUM, Silver Spring, Maryland
31 articles 4 photos 167 comments

this makes sense. I love the line "For Autumn to thaw me" I don't know why but its really nice sounding. You're an awesome poet. keep writing!