My Majesty | Teen Ink

My Majesty

January 21, 2010
By Anonymous

Treat me like im your little Prince
Treat me the way you use to long ago
Put me in your arms and rock me to sleep
Sing to me in a soft, sweet, melody
Make me feel like your little Prince

Let me lay with you at night when I am scared
Let me lay with you when I have a nightmare
Tell me that none of it's real
Tell me it was all a sick, long dream
Give me a nice warm hug that fulfills my entire body and every need

Try and put food in my mouth even though I push it away
Rub your hand through my short, curly, black hair
Tell me I am the cutest thing you have ever seen
Tell me I am your little angel
Treat me like a baby again

Treat me as if those days never happened

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