All Alone | Teen Ink

All Alone

January 3, 2010
By sab1234 SILVER, Franklin Square, New York
sab1234 SILVER, Franklin Square, New York
9 articles 3 photos 1 comment

It’s hard realizing you have no one to tell your secrets to.

Who knew that such silence could kill.

It’s hard sitting home every weekend by yourself.

What did I do to deserve this?

It’s hard looking at your phone, knowing there are no messages.

One ring will mean the world.

It’s hard listening to a song, and letting the memories relive themselves for a second.

Now my life has no soundtrack.

It’s hard looking at pictures of the past and wishing things were the way they were.

No more pictures now.

Its hard being quiet, keeping it all locked up inside of you.

I wish I could find the key.

I forgot what it’s all like.

I forgot what it’s like to laugh until it hurts.

I forgot what it’s like to trust someone.

I forgot what it’s like to call someone’s name without feeling uncomfortable.

I forgot what it’s like to just talk to someone without planning what I have to say.

I forgot what it’s like to be able to rely on someone.

I forgot what it’s like to have a friend.

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