Who Knew | Teen Ink

Who Knew

December 8, 2009
By christina beter BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
christina beter BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who knew love could be blinded, dear tree?
Such a strange emotion captured me,

In a fairy tale we bloomed,
Yet, in disgust he forgot the key,

The colors faded unexpectedly,
We ended before we could it were a guarantee

Yet, the season has changed and the green is back,
But, did he think of such a return when he picked her over me?

The sun shined and the flowers smiled,
We loved, laughed, and learned to agree,

Seasons always come and go,
But, this has already happened once before; yet, on a different degree,

What do I do without the leaves?
I must come back to reality,

Who controls such a feeling, dear tree?
Such a strange emotion captured me.

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