I High-Rise | Teen Ink

I High-Rise

November 12, 2009
By acdchockey4377 GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
acdchockey4377 GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
This cannot be a team of common men, because common men go nowhere. You have to be uncommon

What was I?
I know I was a boy
I know I was an innocent boy
I know I was an innocent boy who thought
I know I was an innocent boy who thought Columbus was the first to reach America
I know I was an innocent boy who thought
I know I was an innocent boy
I know I was a boy
That is what I know I was

What was I?
I remember I was short
I remember I was short tempered
I remember I was short tempered when
I remember I was short tempered when I was picked on by kids larger than I was
I remember I was short tempered when
I remember I was short tempered
I remember I was short
That is what I remember I was

What was I?
I thought I was bad
I thought I was bad at hockey
I thought I was bad at hockey because
I thought I was bad at hockey because I was not the fastest or strongest skater on the ice
I thought I was bad at hockey because
I thought I was bad at hockey
I thought I was bad
That is what I thought I was

What am I?
I am a young man
I am an educated young man
I am an educated young man with an even temper
I am an educated young man with an even temper and excellent hockey player
I am an educated young man with an even temper
I am an educated young man
I am a young man
That is what I am

What do I want to be?
I want to be successful
I want to be successful before and after college
I want to be successful before, during, and after college
I want to be successful before, during, and after college as an unbelievably amazing referee
I want to be successful before, during, and after college
I want to be successful before and after college
I want to be successful
That is what I want to be

What do I want to be?
I want to be a smart man
I want to be a smart man with a supportive wife
I want to be a smart man with a supportive wife and kids
I want to be a smart man with a supportive wife and kids and a secure job that will help me retire
I want to be a smart man with a supportive wife and kids
I want to be a smart man with a supportive wife
I want to be a smart man
That is what I want to be

The author's comments:
This was a homework assignment, i wasnt sure if i responded correctly to the prompt, but i like it

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