Untitled | Teen Ink


October 20, 2009
By Anonymous

We are learning to make fire
?Hold destruction between our fingers?
And use it merely to keep our shivering bodies warm

She’s in an alley shaking blue
He extends his hand they go somewhere he speaks he-
It all goes black

??Learning to see our minds
?To delve deep into the unknown?
Use it to know whom we are inside below the insanity??

She speaks to his blank stare
Writes, and writes.
She leaves and it’s all the same

We are learning to love
?To take down the walls of hate all around us?
And try to find a way to trust anyone

Violence begets more violence.
He disappears into the next time.

??We are learning to relinquish
?Renounce our self destruction
?Throw it away and start again

??We are learning?
But not all of us are passing
?We fall right through to the bottom of the class?
Deep down into the blue

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