Undid Suicide | Teen Ink

Undid Suicide

October 20, 2009
By LearnAboutLexxi BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
LearnAboutLexxi BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the world, not everything can have simplicity.

Wondering why life
gave you this mess
You aren't about to do what's best

Your parents wouldn't listen
You friends didn't care
This life your living isn't fair

So you fill the tub
and lock the door
You fall to the ground, you cry on the floor

You crawl to the tub
and get in
head in first, only to the chin

You come out
wondering what the hell you just did
Wishing this was undid

You walk into your room
and under the covers you go
Time is going so slow

You close your eyes and remember everything that happend
you promise yourself never
Your going remember life sucks, and thats forever

The author's comments:
I was going through a tough time in my life, and poetry was the only thing that got me threw it. This was a poem I wrote when things got really hard in my life.

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