An Eternal Love | Teen Ink

An Eternal Love

October 19, 2009
By Marilu=] BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Marilu=] BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You came to me like a sunset on a beautiful day shocked me with your beauty and my heart pounded as you walked to me closer and closer my heart felt like it was going to burst right out of my chest you stared at me from afar with your eyes and a smile that could light up a room you walked away and my heart began was clam again. The next time I saw you, you asked my name I told you and you smiled said your name and asked if we could hang out sometime you wrote your number on the palm of my hand. We talked on the phone for a while and then finally we went out you asked if I would be yours I looked at you with such amazement shocked at the question without anymore hesitation I said yes you held me in your arms and said you loved me and that we would be together forever but we tried and eventually you left me like good things must leave so that better ones may come together but you didn’t leave because our love had withered away you went to a place where nothing would cause you pain or sorrow anymore. Now I sit here with only pictures to remember you and the times we spent together you said you would never leave me how foolish we were. I suddenly can’t feel and I am back to the day I watched you jump and take that bullet for me you said I love you and died in my arms the sounds of the sirens from the ambulance and my voice the last thing you heard I would give anything to change that day and take that bullet so you would still be here I miss you everyday more and more wishing you were here with me. I cry myself to sleep that night your two year anniversary since you left me. I wake up but not in the place I was I see you by my side and you held me once again and said that now we could be together and nothing could break us apart once again I was whole with you by my side I needed nothing more.

The author's comments:
I hope that people will read my poem and if they don't already treasure the ones they love they will learn to apperciate them more because you never know when you might lose them.

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