Music Is Sane | Teen Ink

Music Is Sane

October 19, 2009
By emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you are handed your life and are confused, take it and say "its just you and me now"-emily

People may say "music is the cure"
but in reality it isnt, we just think it is.
Music Isn't medicine, it isnt a drink,
It isnt something we inject ourselfs with.
But I know one thing about music,
Music comes from the hear,
It always soothes the moment, or endures the pain.
That is what cures the insane.
Music is nothing but sane, without the "in".

The author's comments:
just something about music.

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