Walk On | Teen Ink

Walk On

October 19, 2009
By emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
emilyrose SILVER, Visalia, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you are handed your life and are confused, take it and say "its just you and me now"-emily

They wait for us to walk on,
though our legs arent strong enough to hold the weight.
They still point and laugh that we are wrong.
Even if were the same, sane and all,
I dont understand why they want to brawl?
But in the cage we'll handle them all, us two.
They tell us were different,
now is that so?
When all we do is live, laugh, and grow.
I cant wait for them to finally realize,
and walk on.

The author's comments:
I dont quite understand this poem and why I wrote it but It came from my heart.

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