Child's Mind | Teen Ink

Child's Mind

October 18, 2009
By Hauntingreality BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Hauntingreality BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All we see or seem is but a dream with in a dream&quot;Edgar Allan Poe<br /> &quot; &#039;Gotchic&#039; is just a word recalling a multitude of sins!&quot;Vincent Price<br /> &quot;One person&#039;s crazyness is another person&#039;s reality. &quot;Tim Burton

Shes lost in this madness
It's over but it won't stop replaying in her head
Her screams
Her tears
Her pain

She don't know how to stop it .
that's all it ever does every time she enters the dark
It replays the Screams for help
The tears of fear
The pain felt in every way

This madness has to end before she haves all but that to lose
She don't want to hear her screams
She don't want to feel her tears
She don't want her pain

But just how will something so crazy ever disappear from a Child's mind?

The author's comments:
Wow....umm I really don't know what to say for this. What you take from this is for you to decide. This was a poem that I wrote not to long ago it's 2 years old...this is also one that i'm thinking about submitting to a poetry umm yeah tell me what you guys think.

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