Goodbye | Teen Ink


October 18, 2009
By Anonymous

"Goodbye! See ya soon!"
Hugs, waves, my silent tears
As I watched you drift out of grasp
Through that foggy bus window
How could I ever let you go?
Why aren't you here, holding me tight,
Right where I pine for you to be?
I perch on a depressingly brown seat
As your image get smaller and smaller
Corresponding with my growing misery
Only a sad, unforgotten memory
Without your presence accompanying mine
I'm within a nightmare of no escape
I'm a song unescorted by a flowing melody,
Or a dream lacking its hope
I still want to cry
Reminded incessantly of your captivating presence
After all the time following your departure from my life
Please, please explain my dear consort
Why I have yet to lay under the covers of my bed
In absence of ardent reverie,
Of a breaking heart and weakened soul
One last hug, one last smile

The author's comments:
I hope people may get their own form of solace from the poem or even find themselves remembering a personal experience.

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