How Fragile To Be Lost | Teen Ink

How Fragile To Be Lost

October 18, 2009
By ellochumchelsea BRONZE, Plattsburgh, New York
ellochumchelsea BRONZE, Plattsburgh, New York
1 article 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abe Lincoln.

Torn and wasted,
I feel myself ripping apart at the seams.
Pulled in your various directions,
far too cold to breathe.
Night becomes horror,
and horror pain.
Disappoint, anger.
Power, greed.
Faces of so many,
turned swiftly to dust.
Lost along the scattered winds that divide.
How fragile to be lost.
How fragile to be human.
How divided the lines?
Societal rules,
bound and gagged to follow.
Useless and empty feelings,
leave us broken and hollow.
How my stomach turns.
Filled with a hole to great to decipher.
Alone in my lost snowglobe world,
where creatures lurk in the darkness.
No one left to pull me from the dark.
How lovely the light.
Burning with the intensity of a thousand glowing suns,
On fire forever, how miserable to burn.

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