Shadow Of an Angel | Teen Ink

Shadow Of an Angel

October 18, 2009
By RobertDC BRONZE, Toronto, Other
RobertDC BRONZE, Toronto, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some men claim to have seen Angels,
And one never have I met.
But I found myself a beauty,
A girl I never will forget.

For I know this fairest girl,
To have a heart of gold.
Compassionate, artistic,
With talent wondrous to behold.

To sit beside her for an hour,
In a silence crystal clear.
Yet boredom I dont feel,
For she's a joy to just be near.

This girl she is clever,
Her intelligence unreal.
Poetry flows from her lips,
Every word you feel.

I do not believe in Angels,
At least not here on earth,
For Angels they are perfect,
We do not have such worth.

We can but strive to be their shadows,
But shadows twist and stretch.
Never quite identical,
To the image that they fetch.

But still closer we can get,
To these angels we revere.
The result is still a shadow,
But this one crystal clear.

Some men claim to have seen angels,
And one never have I met.
But I found myself a beauty,
An Angel’s silhouette.

The author's comments:
Very first poem I have ever written, so be nice. Inspired by a girl I know, who I admire very much for being her, and not something she isn't.

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