She lost it all | Teen Ink

She lost it all

October 18, 2009
By Masked BRONZE, Calgary, Other
Masked BRONZE, Calgary, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

it was the first day of school, she came dressed in t-shirt and shorts
you laughed at her beacause every one else wore their sunday best
she lost her confidence that day

it was picture day,
and the camera man said smile,
so she gave her biggest smile ever
and you laughed at her
because her teeth were bad

she never smilled again
she lost her smile that day

it was gym class
she came last in a race
you laughed at her
because she was over weight

she starved herself thast day

yea she lost her self esteem

you had a test in math class...
she got the highest mark
and you laughed at her
and called her a teachers pet...
she's been failing ever since

she lost her her future that day

it was the highschool dance
and she showed up alone....
you laughed because
no one even asked her to dance

she lost her faith in her self that day

so she tried to make things better

she came up to you in hopes of finding a friend
you laughed at her for thinking she even had a chance
you said why would you ever think that id be a friend to a monster like you?
she lost her hope that day

looking back at all she had lost she decided she was tired of losing it all
scared of losing her self she thought why not end it all

she took up that knife
and thought i could end it now
and i wont ever need to lose anything else...

and that day after you found out ,
for the first time ever ...
what she had done...
any one else would have loset their humanity
...but you know what they say
you cant loose what you never had...
so who do you think was the monster? you or her...

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