Ferris Wheel | Teen Ink

Ferris Wheel MAG

October 14, 2009
By EaleeCarr BRONZE, Quakers Hill, Other
EaleeCarr BRONZE, Quakers Hill, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A whirl and it's over, the ride done,
light trails across my vision
struggle to keep up with
my words already up and running
to the next departure point

– wherever that is –

and I follow behind like an afterthought
a memory of the lights, the flight,
a tumble through the darkness

Or was I –

am I –

Can you feel the void spin?
Am I standing still,
or is the world moving without me
left like an old photograph
a dying ember
from a fire that leapt




and now the ash settles in the morning
and I leave it behind.

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