Stars | Teen Ink


October 14, 2009
By ASeasonsChange BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
ASeasonsChange BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The stars read my fate.
They saw through every lie,
and knew every truth,
A silent eyewitness,
To my defeated goodbye.

And sparkling glass fell from the sky,
So dangerous, yet so damn beautiful.
Each glittering weapon,
Cutting into my skin,
a little deeper.

[As deep as your words could go.]

The world was on fire.
Burning in all your glory,
Your veins sang with nitroglycerin,
and your piercing eyes,
Cut through the weakness in mine.

[You had everyone fooled, was I?]

The silence was deafening,
The air whirled with blazing beams.
The ashes fell like decaying snow,
and your battle was won.

[Done. Over. Extirpated.]

And the world exploded,
With a single coruscation,
and the image burned into the retinas,
of the stars, who now,
Were rearranged in the
Words that spelled my fate.

[It read your name.]

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