Together | Teen Ink


October 12, 2009
By xxaliceinsporksxx BRONZE, Bryant, Arkansas
xxaliceinsporksxx BRONZE, Bryant, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How Strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?" - Alice Cullen

The two entwined
In death and life
The essence comes out in varying quantities
Shows who we are
And who we were
Who we wish to be
And who we don’t
The knife the weapon of deception
Knows no pain or suffering
All it know is that which it has been exposed too
For the very thing that gives and sustains life
Can too take it away without any reason
Can stain floors
And ruin lives
Forever a cycle with little control or cause
Taking and giving
Everything we know

The author's comments:
Hmm I guess it just came to me and I wanted to share it

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