nothinmg but you ,me and the darkness | Teen Ink

nothinmg but you ,me and the darkness

October 12, 2009
By LucyNight26 BRONZE, Pitsburg, California
LucyNight26 BRONZE, Pitsburg, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can't change someones mind if they do not have one-bill maher

the steps we take
with our hands clasped together
walking on an unsteady surface
i can't be sure were we are
but when we're together is doesn't matter
we are barefoot
walking in the dark
there's no lamp, no candle,
there is no no moon nor sun
no light what-so-ever
and all we have is each other
and you're ready to cross over into the light
but we might lose each other
so now, we tread slowly in the dark

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem for a guy i like but i never talk to him anymore.

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