Grow Up, Heart | Teen Ink

Grow Up, Heart

October 12, 2009
By velvet-rose BRONZE, Embro, Other
velvet-rose BRONZE, Embro, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" not what you must, but what you will..."

Do I believe him?
Should I?
He fools with my mind like morphine to a person after surgery.
Do I believe all these promises?
If I do, am I throwing away a valuable part of myself?
Would I risk my values, morals, and beliefs for something as foolish as teen love?
But could I say no?
To him, his face, and my heart?
In the fallacy of lust, my heart will tear itself apart.
Dare I jump off a cliff into shark-infested water, to prove my love, or to tear it apart?
To shoot holes in my own words?
I have.
And I guess I will.
A new me will emerge from this un-harmed, but reformed.
No longer will I fall for foolish frolics in the name of eden.
A black heart, one with maturity will guide me past this.
Pinch me.
I must remain strong.
I will not follow in the footpath of a disgraced parent, looking for what they did not give me.
All of this for love?
Some would laugh and say, “Whats bred in the bone, is born in the flesh.”.
But alas, I will just ponder it.
My heart growing cold, maybe it will shatter.
That I doubt.
So I will stop playing on the teeter-tooter and grow up.
This is life.

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