Musically Breathing | Teen Ink

Musically Breathing

October 17, 2009
By Anonymous

Orchestrated cries and laughs
Create a symphony of screams
Musically chopped chords sliced to pieces
Reverberated back and forth to a pianissimo
Pounce on the piano with an attack of forte
A guitar rips across the atmosphere
The fingers caressing the neck are sliding with ease
Smooth plucks on violins without a single screech
Instruments singing in tune rings within my ears
Harmonic minors play without any wrong notes
Whispering staccatos hit my heart with darts
Every accent goes deeper and penetrates more
Drum sticks smacking like thunder on a rainy day
A crash of cymbals strike with lightning
Vibratos breathing silently with rising chests
Falling stars come through rainbows
Doors slamming with careless hands
A fermata ends the band

The author's comments:
I've had so many emotions bottled up inside and it was so amazing to be able to express my feelings through this musically inspired poem.

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