Main Steet | Teen Ink

Main Steet

October 16, 2009
By Moonlight101 BRONZE, Germantoen, Maryland
Moonlight101 BRONZE, Germantoen, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I take a deep breath, tie my shoe laces
And walk , grin on, into the street
As always, the place is busy with noise
Chatter above, creatures stirring at my sides
Even above, the buildings are dancing

I get hungry and stop at a local café
The smell of fresh berries surrounds
I pick one off and bite right in
The juice, the smell, the perky taste
You can only get them here

I find the bench I was looking for
Sit down on that old stump, and here they come
Again, for their daily pay
I give the little animals what they want
They lick it off my hands ,
And disappear

Somewhere above, an airplane roars
I laugh as I run, it begins to pour
Grinning, safe in my Cave-Hotel
The forest
The true main street of my town

The author's comments:
It all started when taking walk in my local town square. Although I don't live in a metropolis, I found it quite annoying to be surrounded by all those annoying grunts, pops and shoats. Quickly retreating to the local park, I quickly found peace amongst the trees. Even though there was just as much noise here as in town, it felt better. More free. That severed as the initial inspiration. Imagination created the rest.

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