Dancing on Midnight and Silver | Teen Ink

Dancing on Midnight and Silver

October 16, 2009
By ecrieger BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ecrieger BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Night-entangled trees. They seem to dance in the cool October breeze. The moon pours pools of silver onto black-top and flaking bark. Everything’s dark but that luminous shine. Darker that then blacks of eyes that have seen death. Letting the pool of light overtake my mind, I lie in the grass and. If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want, I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad we’ll start talking again, and you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. Think, staring at the twisted limbs of the trees that surround me, I feel so small. Like a grain of sand in comparison to the ocean that it surrounds. At least that grain isn’t alone in waiting to be washed away. Not as alone as I am. I want to climb to the tops of these night-entangled trees. Dance on midnight and silver until I reach the heavens. Maybe I could live among the stars and smile when the sun comes home. Tangerine and rose. Gold and azure. Color spreads out across the tree-tops and fields. I see the sun rising bringing me back from the stars to bask in its overwhelming beauty. To breathe in the fresh scent of a new day, another chance. It’s dark, yet still light somehow. Weaknesses make you stronger, and a heart on your sleeve only make you more sure. I feel the warm rays on my pale uneasy skin and in this moment, I’m letting go.

The author's comments:
It was a class prompt that was very fun and enjoyable. We got the phrase "Night entangled trees" and had to go with it

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