Be Yourself | Teen Ink

Be Yourself

October 15, 2009
By Tpirnia SILVER, Olney, Maryland
Tpirnia SILVER, Olney, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why does everything have to be so hard?
Why can’t you understand?
We are all just the same.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the smartest or if you’re failing all your classes.

What matters is what you are doing.

Are you making the people around you, happy?
Are you trashing them, hurting their feelings?
Are you acting superior, like you’re better than them?

Truth is: You’re not.
You are human just like everyone else.
You may great at some things, but there is always going to be someone better than you.

Grow up and get a life.
You don’t deserve the right to degrade anyone.

You are not perfect.
And neither am I.

But I am sick and tired of you making our friends, feel inferior.
They are going to realize just how egotistical you are.
And then, you will be left alone.

Grow up and stop acting like you are the best.
Have some modesty.

Be kind.
Be considerate.
Be the person I know you are.

You do not need to prove anything.
Just be yourself.
That’s all I need.

That’s all we all need.

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