Trapeze Girl | Teen Ink

Trapeze Girl

October 14, 2009
By EllenSabine BRONZE, Hibbing, Minnesota
EllenSabine BRONZE, Hibbing, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Twenty years of pushing pens, of up the stairs and down again. I should have learned to style my hair. I can never sleep at night, I never mastered eating right, distracted by the skin I wear.&quot;<br /> -Brandi Carlile (Eye Of The Needle)

The hollow space where my
heart should be,
feels especially empty at times
likes this.

I feel like a trapeze girl,
walking this thin line
in front of hundreds of

strangers who are
waiting for me to

And somedays I feel
so light that the wind
could blow me over

and others I feel so
heavy, that I think
if the wind came
and blew everything
I have and all the
people I love away,

I would still remain.

and both are frightning ideas.

Somedays I walk the streets
in strange towns and smile
at people I do not know,

some other times I walk
the street of my farmiliar
town and scowl at
the people I hate the most,

but niether makes me feel too good.

So I'll locke myself up in this
one place, and I'll
talk to no one,
good or bad.

I'll live the life
of a hermet,
which is said to
be lonely

but maybe I won't

and if I do
I have nothing but
time on my side
and the freedom
to change...

or so it seems.

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