Like A Rainstorm | Teen Ink

Like A Rainstorm

October 14, 2009
By EllenSabine BRONZE, Hibbing, Minnesota
EllenSabine BRONZE, Hibbing, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Twenty years of pushing pens, of up the stairs and down again. I should have learned to style my hair. I can never sleep at night, I never mastered eating right, distracted by the skin I wear.&quot;<br /> -Brandi Carlile (Eye Of The Needle)

like a rainstorm,
begins and ends
ubruptly and with
out thought.

Because no matter
how prepared or
adjusted we are for
these events to occur,

we are never ready.

Never warnings
only signs,

we must enter and leave
with caution for any second
our worlds could crumble.

Those we love might leave us,
sometimes by choice.
usually not.

A total stranger
may enter our world
and after just one glance

we decide that we would
give our own lives for
this new, naive creature.

And before we know it
we are old.
we are preparing to leave.

We have opened the door
and let new lives in,

no matter how prepared
we are for this sudden

For this dramatic exit,
we are never ready.

Before you know it
we'll be gone.

like a rainstorm,
begins and ends
ubruptly and with
out thought.

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