Those Who Wait Upon the LORD | Teen Ink

Those Who Wait Upon the LORD

October 10, 2009
By Anonymous

Angels watch me as I lay down.
They whisper in my ear and give me dreams.
The feathers from their wings tickle my face.
Songs of a thousand choirs emit from the heavens, praying,craving to get my attention.
While every day I remaian with the demons.
Evil surrounds me! Suffocates me, as I fall down into an abyss of blindness. Devils call my name, and whisper in my ear, all the wonderful things, so tempting.
In the distance I hear the chorus of angels! Saftey!
A strong hand reaches down, and lifts me up to the warmth of His body. Sitting in the palm of His hand, I look down to see that all the demons and devils lay in piles of ashes, burning slowly.
The angel looks down at me, and with a voice of a million orchestras says,
"Thank you,"

The author's comments:
Everyone these days is so evil, and shallow. I thank God for saving me from the evil of this world.

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