Real Fairy Tales | Teen Ink

Real Fairy Tales

September 16, 2009
By Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If it comes out of the lion's will be on the test."
-Mr. Bala

Jack and Jill
Didn’t go up the hill
Cause they had running water.
When Jack fell down
And broke his crown
They rushed him to the emergency room

Snow White can’t get a freaking man
Cause they want a girl with a healthy tan

When the witch came, offering crops
Snow White got smart and called the cops

Cinderella wants a dress for the ball
Screw that freaking fairy, she goes to the mall

And when her step-mom made her nervous
Cinderella called Child Protection Service

Prince Charming hoped he could make people cower
But it turns out Parliament has all the real power.

The author's comments:
I found it odd that most fairy tales include evil step-mothers and wicked witches when in my life, my step mom is awesome and my Wiccan "witch" mother is so nice. So I though, "Hey, fairy tales are stupid. I should make fun of them." And so I did.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 16 2010 at 4:05 pm
Joob-Stache GOLD, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 96 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be afraid to take a chance, to take a fall, in the end it could be worth it all<3

This is my fav. poem of urs Ashee...... :)