Outlast Time | Teen Ink

Outlast Time

June 17, 2024
By TrailMapper BRONZE, Katy, Texas
TrailMapper BRONZE, Katy, Texas
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

How mighty is immortal time?
A human lifetime? Long surpassed.
An empire’s order? Long collapsed.
Unbreakable bonds? Long detached.
Undying vigilance? Long relaxed.

In the face of implacable time,
Despite wills greater than the divine,
Despite feet hardened in the grime,
Despite weapons much refined,
All it touches must resign.

Yet, what’s that in the distance I see?
The first flower of rebellion’s tree?
A power radiating silently,
And despite the lack of guarantee,
I find myself in jubilee.

I see the one thing time can’t subdue,
A weapon sharper than bamboo,
With which time we can overthrow,
It seems that the only thing that’ll pass time through,
Is the love I have for you.

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