My Peace To You | Teen Ink

My Peace To You

June 9, 2024
By Anonymous

I was 3 

In pre

Shabbat Shalom 

I was greeted 

Felt like

I thought everyone was spoke to

With the recognizable word for


I went for a drive

When I was five

To my Elementary School

For years k-5

I walk in, yet

I am not welcomed 

With my usual Shabbat Shalom

My moment of disappointment

I still was greeted

The  realization that

Not everyone was like me


By grade 6

I still went to Hebrew school

It was my reminder 

That I am greeted with peace

I still went to middle school

And experienced conflict with peace

In fact

Some people just never want peace

So I don't greet them

Here I am

Grade 9

Everything seems pretty fine

Peace is a little girl running away

From the cold ocean wave creeping up on her

But slowly she greets the ocean calmly

High School announces different clubs

For all different kinds of kids

They are seen

But just as I’ve said

Not everyone wants peace

Some people want others gone

But to me,I don’t want to see them wrong

A country I’ve known to grow and support

Was the enemy in others minds

Shabbat Shalom is all I hear

But the musical sound of those words 

Turned to a screech

All the sudden the world shuts down

Not for a pandemic 

But to hate

A country people live in

Real people

Kids, students, moms, dads, teachers, doctors

A place people want to fall


I’m always taught that people have opinions

But I don’t agree

I don’t see nor agree with your hate

I stand with the people who greet with a simple

Shabbat Shalom 

My peace to you ✡︎

The author's comments:

This is a free verse poem on my perspective of the war in Israel. I felt like over the past few months I've become more intolerable of Anti-Semitism. The phrase "Shabbat Shalom" is all about peace. During these months peace started to diminish across the country and my town/NY. Everyone was intolerable of everyone and everything. People started to hate, just for the sake of hating. I became sick and tired of trying to give people peace, when it's obvious they won't accept it. So this is my "Piece of peace" to you. 

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