The misfit lightskin | Teen Ink

The misfit lightskin

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Why should i have to walk into a classroom both mixed and miss matched but still get shunned for my skin

So what if im not the same as yall

So what if i have the complection as you but my hair isnt alike

Why should i care if my skin is lighter but im still not accepted as a brother or a negro

Im done listening

Im done listening to people talking about my hair

Im done listening to people as if im different

Im just the same

Same treatment like a black man but in a lighter toned body

But then treated as a misfit in a group of white people

Im tired of the looks of confusion as i walk down the streets 

Im tired of the constant assumptions of me being spaniord

So what im done Im tired of listening to the colored and white groups cause as it stands im as black and white as all of you

The author's comments:

I am just a colored individual that had been fed up with people commenting about my skin

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