What Death does not Crave | Teen Ink

What Death does not Crave

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

In this dark world, where nothing is fair,

I, death, wait at everyone's end.

Prejudice is a controversial thing.

People have their opinion, in the beginning,

Until it becomes something more.

The hatred that can come with prejudice is unbelievable.

The harm it causes, and how I sit at its end. 

Prejudice starts as internal thoughts, once more action is in place,

Many are at my door, of death.

Genocides happen because of prejudice.

One's opinion on a certain group can make an impact on others. 

Deaths are caused in these genocides due to prejudice, they all then come to me, death.

Every time, I see the look on the victim's faces,

All I see is fear and hopelessness. 

The superior is taking out innocence. 

It is simply unfair. 

I hate to see the amount of people come to me,

waiting to see what they are destined to be after me,

All with the same sad look on their face. 

Lives are being swept away and brought to me like it´s worthless trash.

This is the way that prejudice feeds into all the genocides. 

Feeding me, death, things it does not have the appetite for.

In history classes, it is taught to remember the fall of these genocides.

To honor them for what they suffered.

But did it change anything?

Is it still happening?

Do I see people waiting at my door to death?

I do.

Humanity is modified, but nothing different than what it was before. 

Prejudice is still very much out there.

Genocides are very much still happening. 

And yet, we are said to be living in the “better world” where nothing could go wrong.

And yet, I am still getting fed what I do not crave. 

All of the history, all of the independence gained, for what?

In the end, everything will end up back at square one.

These genocides need to be put to an end, as I am not hungry anymore, I do not want to be fed my genocides.

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