Temporary Empires | Teen Ink

Temporary Empires

May 31, 2024
By haynesc BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
haynesc BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tell us of the dinosaurs, who set the continents quaking

The mighty ones who ruled the world in its early waking

Tell us of the dinosaurs, legends forged from birth

Tell us of the dinosaurs, now bones beneath the earth

Tell us of the tigers, whose paws sent jungles shaking

Whose fiery stripes and wild beauty was their great unmaking

Tell us of the tigers, who ruled with a stormy roar

Tell us of the tigers, rugs laid out on the floor

Tell us of the humans, who just kept on taking

Even as beneath their feet the world was slowly breaking

Tell us of the humans, who seemed to have it all

Tell us of the humans, who thought they’d never fall

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