DNA Chains | Teen Ink

DNA Chains

May 30, 2024
By Carsll BRONZE, Clayton, Missouri
Carsll BRONZE, Clayton, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stories are the DNA chains of language.

Creativity is bonded together

by stardust sewage pipes.

They radiate tangerine strands of light,

which accentuate the crypticness of truth. 

My stories are the DNA chains of language.

Truth is saturated with realness,

yet carries the responsibility

of resembling reality.    

Stories shaped like

figure-eights challenge this. 

They're twisted;

but real.

Your stories are the DNA chains of language.

The stardust sewage pipes

fused together resemble

millions of micro-test tubes

overloaded with the ingredients

(wonder, curiosity, & mystery),

which spurs the immersive chemical explosion

of truth.

Truth binds our DNA chains of language


to form stories. 

Pretzeled stories 

remind me of your licorice.   

Rain dichotomizes them;

lightning zaps them,

until they're cough-drop-sized.

Richard Wright, Tim O'Brien, & Anthony Doerr 

re-configured these sweats 

into new structures,

from books 

to photos

to change.

The leftovers are for you and me;

the future poets, storytellers, & dreamers.

Books are the vaults 

to store these DNA chains of language. 


you carry stories,

and so do I.


They're the DNA chains of language!

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