Loyalty over Lust | Teen Ink

Loyalty over Lust

May 29, 2024
By Anonymous

Loyalty's light, a lantern bright, Guiding through the darkest night. In bonds unbroken, hearts entwine, In friendship's flame, forever shine. 


Whispers weave with whispered word, In loyalty's embrace, love stirred.

 Echoes of oaths, endlessly true, In steadfastness, strength renew. Beneath blue skies, 


steadfast and strong, In loyalty's embrace, we belong. With each beat, a bond that won't sever, In loyalty's embrace, lasting forever.

The author's comments:

This poem talks about how loyalty is more important than love in some cases because someone could love you alot but still betray you, or someone could not like you anymore like an ex friend but still stay loyal and keep your secrets. The poem talks about how I would perrsonaly rather have loyalty than lust. 

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