Ode to Pennsylvanian Seasons | Teen Ink

Ode to Pennsylvanian Seasons

May 27, 2024
By 205130 BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
205130 BRONZE, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sharp, white cold pierces through my skin like a knife

Reaching through my outer shell and 

stabbing into my heart

Winter no longer sparks childhood joy

Like watching the snow flurries out the schoolhouse window,

Rather it slows my blood and makes it ice. 

Yet, life goes on.
The ice thaws and a sprout of green springs up through a layer of frost

Flowers unfurl

but only enough to tease your weary soul

Fruit tastes sweeter and sweeter by the day

Rain pours down onto your head, 

Sending chills of hope down your spine

As you pray the harsh winter has left 

for good. 

The sun leaps and bounds across the bright blue sky

The cloudless sky is swiftly flooded with rolling storms of black

Lighting strikes up the feeling of freedom,

The smell wafting through the moist air

And one begins to wonder if this is how humans were 

meant to feel 

Limitless, open, unapologetically unconfined

Hair flying free in the cool breeze running over a moonlit beach

That breeze feels colder and colder by the day

Burnt colors sweep through the forest like a wildfire

Leaves crunch underneath the fuzzy boots of the world’s future generations

Pumpkins populate the porches of nearly every house

Fireplaces begin to light up as the nights grow colder 

and colder

Papers pile up on the floors of the youth

Evergreens and colorful lights bring back the spark in those 

who can still feel it

Peppermint and cocoa dance upon the tongues of the joyous

Snow occupies the minds of the hopeful

Nostalgia hits the unhopeful like a tsunami

And we all hold on for dear life, 

For the bitter cold is soon to come again

The author's comments:

This piece describes seasons in Pennsylvania while simultaneously touching on the fleeting nature of life. Change is unavoidable, so cherish what you have in the moment but also be open to new experiences. 

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