Crown For A King | Teen Ink

Crown For A King

May 25, 2024
By Gabbiee BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
Gabbiee BRONZE, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Death enveloped the kingdom before me

Smoke caging the tapestry in dismay

Castles fallen and flags torn

War had broken through its own

Towns and people alike

Burnt to black shrouds

Porcelain castles shied away

From hues of beautiful citrine

For a moment in the wreckage

The clock had stopped

The hourglass had flipped on its head

And time ceased to exist

I thought then the war had won

The crown no longer fit it’s adorner

The crown, whose beautiful gold and green trinkets

Had been warped and scorned into a black mess

That adorner was I

A leader who was once a grand general

But now, with my kingdom in shreds

The leader I had become was left on the field

My surroundings turned to ink

Like words written on a page

My hands, the only object in view

Scared and scabbed by eternal flames

“The king is no longer,” the void said to me

The crown doesn’t fit and her kingdom gone bare

This is it, my time has come, the war had won

As death enveloped the kingdom before me

The author's comments:

Hi. My name is Gabbie. I'm a freshman in high school and a beginning poet. I'm not even sure I can call myself that. I just started writing poetry this year after reading Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet as a novel study early on in the school year, if you don't count Slam as poetry.

Anywho, this piece is about me and how my card game of life has dealt me a horrible hand. Well- I wouldn't call it horrible, I mean I am only 14, and what kind of 14-year-old actually feels horrible, right? 

Anyways (again, I really need to stop getting off track), this poem puts my metaphor skills to the test, comparing a dying community with the current circumstances of my situation and how it's affected me. 

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