Matches | Teen Ink


May 22, 2024
By Anonymous

The match that struck the box

Is now out of matches 

The wall is full of running clocks

But no fear there are more batches


A burning candle has stages

It is struck by a match

The flame is a blaze

The wax is attached

Then the wax starts to drip

Off the candle into the bowl

It melts as the time gets a grip

Don't fall into the hole

It is only when

The candle starts to empty

You start to realize

Maybe I need another match

The flame isn’t burning 

The fire has burnt out

As time comes to an end

We know we took the fire for granted

The author's comments:

People tend to take the time they have for granted and don’t realize they don’t have a lot until they actually don’t have time left. In this poem, the candle represents time and when the poem is talking about how when the candle is almost empty, a realization that you need another match occurs. Similarly, when you realize that time is limited and you should not waste it, you realize that there are so many more things you could’ve done and not have taken that time for granted. The time we have in our life is short just like how a candle doesn’t burn for a very long time. The flame in this poem represents a human's life and when the flame burns out, so does the human.

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