I Love... | Teen Ink

I Love...

May 17, 2024
By Anonymous

I love the Coastal Beach

The swaying palm trees waving at me

The oceanside breeze from the sea

Water slower than a snail coming towards me

Sitting under the warm sun

I love Soccer

The breeze through my hair as I run

The smell of the fresh cut grass

The sound of people kicking the ball

I love basketball

The ball jumping into the basket

The communication going on through my head

A dribble after a dribble

I love Summer

The way the sun hits your back

How you put your foot in a cold pool

Hanging out with friends and family

And having popsicles on the curb 

I love my dog

His fur as soft as a fuzzy blanket

As happy as a fun song

When he stands in the yard like a guard

When he comes up to me and says it is dinner time


I love my grandparents house

I can smell the fresh pine trees in the light breeze

I can hear my cousins running around outside

The little car we drive up the hill

Singing karaoke all night

Having a huge dinner like a feast

I love Jesus

I feel safe and sound

I Feel the weight lift off of my chest

I see the path he puts ahead of me

I can be somewhere else with a prayer 

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