I love | Teen Ink

I love

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

I love…

I love the ocean

The water as cold as ice

Finding the prettiest shells on earth

Tasting the salt water

Smelling the fish

Seeing everything I need to see

Time is money

The sand in between your toes

I love riding horses

Feeling your butt bounce up and down on the saddle

It’s like letting go of life completely

Not having a care in the world

Feeling the wind in your hair

Nobody talking to your or stopping you

I love my barn

Seeing the majestic great horned owl in the rafters

As sly as a fox

Feeling the rough hay

Smelling the manure

Tasting the grain

I love running in the rain

Hearing the water rain down on the road and me

Feeling the rain whispering to keep going

The rain running round my legs and arms

I love camping

I love hearing the fireflies go bzz bzz

I love hiking

Seeing all the different kinds of colorful flowers

Smelling the fresh mountain air

Tasting the wind in my hair

Feeling the fresh water running over your feet

Realizing life is a journey

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