dandelion seeds | Teen Ink

dandelion seeds

May 15, 2024
By fernisanerd BRONZE, Edmonton, Alberta
fernisanerd BRONZE, Edmonton, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

sidewalks woven like concrete rivers between fields of green

where my kind poke their heads out among the blades

their golden hair since faded to white

so fragile, waiting for a breeze to disperse

thousands of futures encased in tiny pods

I pass rooftops aglow in the evening sun

the giants seem small from up here

I watch them take spears and tridents

to the hard-fought roots of my family

they curse our arrival, spraying death

taking joy in forcing us to wither away

I must keep floating elsewhere, out of reach

for I long to grow, to bloom, to live

perhaps past a desert where metal and wood

create shelters for smaller giants

sand clings to their shoes

while they trample through grass as if it’s nothing

whispering wishes in our ears

ushering us into the sky

before they disappear into buildings impenetrable

as the sun vanishes below the horizon

the hope glimmering in their eyes

and the kindness in their hands

when they gently plucked my kin

by the stem

remain caught in the fluff

that lifts me through the sky

and I regret my inability

to grant their wishes

like some all-powerful fey creature could

but I am just a seed

suspended in the winds

looking for a soft place

to take root

The author's comments:

I wrote this following the prompt "suspended in air", since I love writing with nature imagery. As I was writing, the piece sort of developed themes of tolerance versus intolerance and hope. I hope you like it, because I do!

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