My boring family | Teen Ink

My boring family

May 8, 2024
By Emmanuel101 BRONZE, Federal, Washington
Emmanuel101 BRONZE, Federal, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Home is a place with my pc like most its

 home to those who eat sleep and drink

 its home to those who cant keep a secret worth a damn 

its home to those decide to watch tv for weeks without moving a wink 

home is a place where Stale is the bread thats been left out


home is a place where you can hear most heaters fighting the cold 

Its home to the dog who barks at the cats that are in the tree 

Its home to the tools that sit in the back of my house where my dad carves wood

Its home to ants that we cant get rid of 

This s a place i call home and wait to die

The author's comments:

My life has always been a boring one so I just wrote stuff noticed around my home 

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