Selfish | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

No, taking a day off won't kill you,

But you won't win

No not eating the diet won't kill you

But you’re being selfish

If you’re selfish, you are a bad person and a worse teammate 

There at 12 we all sat, scared to break the rules

Scared that we would be the reason we lose


We didn’t know better

We wanted to live up to the legacy of legends on the wall

Last names heat-pressed on the back of USA jerseys

Leave it better than you found it, we were told

Blood on my knees 

Sweat from my forehead all the way to the shins 

Tears from throwing up in the bathroom while being told to get up

But here I am on lunch break 10 minutes later

There go my friends, having fun, isn’t that what I'm supposed to be doing?


No taking a day a day off won’t kill you

You’ll still win

No not eating the diet won't kill you

We weren’t selfish

You at the end of the day

You’re all that matters

We’re told to never be selfish but

When we give too much to others

When are we going to give to ourselves?

The author's comments:

This peice is about my time playing volleyball at my club and it's an assignment my teacher assgined where we had to recall a memory or something form our origin that shaped us.

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on May. 23 at 10:48 pm
JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer

This is amazing! I love the repetition and the beat of the poem. Do you mind looking at some of my work?