From Eden | Teen Ink

From Eden

May 7, 2024
By carolinegrace5173 GOLD, Summerfield, North Carolina
carolinegrace5173 GOLD, Summerfield, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything is perfect here
Grass a green that only appears in daydreams
Ruffling gently in the breeze
Creating soft carpet under bare feet
Bright sun always shining
Never a single cloud dotting the sky
Every color of the rainbow
Creating a kaleidoscope of life
Every color except red
Until, with a shiver and a shake
The world is painted in a splash of scarlet
A deep burgundy so rapturous
All else pales in worthless comparison
A red, not used as a painter would
Mixing dyes to forge a perfect hue
No, red in the way a chef would use this word
Hot and wet and dark
Spilling out and tainting the endless beyond
A forked tongue flicks and hisses
Slithering away, eyes flashing
Watching its latest creation
For two beings in eternal life
What greater sin is there
Than to be tempted by fate?

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