The last oink | Teen Ink

The last oink

May 6, 2024
By Anonymous

in lit corridors,

industries of all kinds,

a pig stands in silent,

no bearing room to shine.


no open fields,

or skies to behold,

the sterile process of yields.


his day passes in a forever blur,

a far life he once wished he may earn.

gone the days of autonomy,

such a wild turn.


the heavy machinery, wind down the silence,

as the others say goodbye.


his eyes once filled with a desired life,

now ending in strife.


nothing but a number, labeled on his ear,

a future he cannot bear, only one he fears

The author's comments:

the real life of pigs, is not a happy story, from the bacon you eat at breakfast to the pork chops you get on your birthday, a pigs life is a sad life.

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